[under construction]

Your home for information about the Gager family in the United States. It is our hope that this site will become an informational resource for people seeking to learn about the Gager Family whether or not they are a Gager. The links below will be developed over the next few months for a grand opening by year-end. If you have any ideas about what this site should contain please send them to

Links to Other Gager Web Sites

Gager Legends

Famous Gagers

Infamous Gagers

A Short History of the Gager Family

The Arbella

Edmund Gager's Book

Books By and About Gagers

Geneological Resources

William Gager of Oxford

The Gager Homestead

Put Your Branch on the Tree

Gager Photos Today - Do We Look Alike?

Old Gager Photos

Old Gager Documents

The Jager Connection

Questions or Ideas? Contact